Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Been a While

Wow, family life gets crazy quickly.  However, after a few weeks off the grid, I'm going to try and breathe new life into my brewing.  I haven't brewed in over a month and just bottled a batch yesterday.  That batch was long overdue, I might add.  So, here's hoping I can get back in the saddle, albeit slowly.

Rolled Up Irish Red - this beer is finally coming into its own.  Because of the high alcohol content (8.5), it's taking a bit longer to finish.  It's carbed up well, but still has a slight alcohol burn which I'm hoping will go down with more conditioning time.  Over all, though, it's a pretty good beer.  Not a Jeremiah Red, which is what I was shooting for, but a good beer nonetheless.

Bottom Number Blonde - since I screwed up the heat on the fermentation, I was worried that this beer would suck.  It does, but not as bad as I thought it would.  It's drinkable, but doesn't have the flavor I was hoping for.  A little too bready/yeasty for my taste.  Hopefully I'll be re-brewing this in the next few weeks and I can pull it off like it's supposed to be.

Nuts 'N Butts Brown Ale - this beer is tasting good.  I should have bottled it a week or two ago, but I'll get to it soon.  Hopefully by the end of this week.  It's a good brown, but not quite as tasty as I was hoping.  I'll have to tweak it slightly and see what happens.  I'd like it to be a good session ale if I can get the recipe right.

Hard Cider - still fermenting.  I haven't checked the SG, but I need to.  This should be up around 6% by now, I would think.  I'm going to rack it to a secondary and add a bit more honey and some more apple juice to sweeten it up from the dry mead taste it has now.  I really like it, but the gal I'm making it for doesn't want it too dry.

MJ14 Special Dark - just bottled this - again, overdue.  I was dry-hopping it with oak chips and let it sit at least a week longer than the recipe called for.  Still tastes good, though, albeit kind of like a Dogfish Head mated with a Guiness. . . still, it's a pretty good beer.  Can't wait to see how it tastes out of the bottle.

Vienna Lager - I plan on brewing this one before Christmas, if things work out.  If so, it won't be ready until June or so.

Barleywine - I've had this recipe sitting on my computer for a couple of months just waiting for the right time to make it.  I'm hoping before the New Year, which would bring it in around mid spring or so.  We'll see.

Overall, my brewing/bottling has definitely slowed down.  I'm in the process of rethinking my pace, which was a bit brutal in Sept/Oct, but I was trying to get all the beer I wanted for Christmas done.  Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting back into it, even if it is at a reduced rate.  Salud.