I haven't had much time to post my impressions on all the beers I have going right now, so here's an aggregate of what's happening:
Ad-Seg IPA - still stuck at 1.040. Cold crashed it and the sediment settled out, but no change in SG. Plan on bottling within the next couple of days. Taste is dead-on to Dogfish Head 90.
Off Paper Lager - conditioning in the bottle, though first tests show good carbonation and OK head retention. I'll probably throw in a heading powder next time. Taste is good, but less fruity than Dos Equis Lager. The fruity esters seems to have mellowed in the lagering/bottle conditioning. Still decent, for what it is.
Contraband Chocolate Stout - in the primary and fermenting like crazy. Still trying to decide how much cocoa to add to the secondary - 1oz, 2oz, 3oz, or more?
Brevis Bock - lagering away at 38 degrees. Check yesterday still had an odd grainy flavor to it. Should (hopefully) mellow out in lagering/conditioning.
Over-the-Fence Weissbier - carbed up super fast. Tasty with good head. Could be a new favorite.
Rolled Up Irish Red - just tried making this one again today after the last disaster with yeast. Did a full boil this time. Went well, OG came in higher than expected. Should be pretty tasty, if all continues well.
On deck is Bottom Number Blonde, my first attempt at all-grain brewing using the BIAB (brew in a bag) method. After that, a Guiness inspired Dry Stout, though not a Guiness clone.
Over all, the brewing thing seems to be going well. I like it, I'm learning a lot, and I'm going to have some great beers to give away for Christmas. Besides that, I'll have a lot of great beers to enjoy myself throughout the holidays. Cheers!
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